Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Blog Entry

This week I have finish my practise project

Today i'm going to start on the actually project do that mean i think have to print my quote off and start painting

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Week 1 back to term 2

This week back at school in services

This week with our project is on hold because we are doing a mini practise of the bigger model, so we're painting a piece of wood white when we are going to put tape on it and colour it with lots of different colours

Our main idea:
Image result for tape art canvasImage result for tape art canvas with quotes

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

9PBL- Water filter

Image result for filter system you can make

Our design was easy to make but it toke a lot of effort and the thing we need to make this possible were easy to find, our Design was basically a tripod that had grass at the top and a layer of sand in the middle and at the bottom there charcoal.

If I was making this water filter again I would put a layer of sand because we didn't not do that and clean what we were going to put your water the new water in.

Monday, 3 April 2017


Last week we did, we were choosing three pieces of art and our group was walking around the school to find one place and choosing a place for one of them.

LO: learning objective
How to use a gantt chart for planning

SC: Success criteria

Friday, 31 March 2017

Hero Cycle

Every hero goes though the same journey and every hero has same thing in common thing all go on a journey the hero journey. Every hero has to overcome different problem and situations and also has fear its fears

Wednesday, 15 March 2017